Navy SEAL in Combat in Iraq, Bertucci Watch Saves Wrist & Hand

I wanted to thank your company for making such a wonderful product. I am a U.S. Navy SEAL and while recently in Iraq my team was in a firefight when I felt a sharp pain in my left wrist. I had figured that I was hit and was able to take cover. While behind a wall I noticed a bullet hole in my right shirt sleeve. I immediately opened my sleeve and not being able to flex my wrist properly feared the worst. As soon as I was able to look at my wrist I noticed that my Bertucci model 12011 had been hit by the bullet and was of course destroyed. The medic removed the watch and checked my wrist for damage. He bandaged my wrist and after the mission I had it x-rayed to find that the watch absorbed the brunt of the impact and that my wrist was badly bruised with no broken bones and minor nicks and cuts. Although I do not recommend that a watch be used as armor against 9mm bullets I must say that if it were not for the craftsmanship and great materials that you use in the manufacture of your watches I would more than likely lost the use of my left hand. I would like you to please let your craftsmen and everyone involved in the manufacture of your watches know that their dedication to provide the best watches that they can has saved my left hand and wrist from severe damage. Although the watch is now a piece of mangled mess it is one of the best pieces of equipment that I could have depended my life on and I will surely miss the watch.
Sincerely thankful, Chris T.